Yeast Datafile

The Yeast Datafile provides a long list of commercially available winemaking yeasts, with information on their fermentation rates and optimal temperature ranges. If you download and install it from the website you will have a large selection of yeasts to select from when you are starting up your batches. One great feature is that CellarMetrics watches the operating range of the selected yeast while you are entering fermentation data. If your measured temperature begins to drift towards or exceeds the range CellarMetrics will alert you.

Here is how to download and install:

On the Mac

1. Go to the Downloads page on the website and click on the "Download Yeast Data" button at the bottom of the page. This will download a .zip file.

2. Extract the file (.csv format)

3. In the CellarMetrics application, go File/Update Yeast Data. Then locate the .csv to complete the update.


On Windows

The Yeast Data file is included in the .zip that contains the program files. In the CellarMetrics application, go File/Update Yeast Data. Then locate the .csv to complete the update.


If you have already been using CellarMetrics and have entered your own records into the Yeast File, this import process will not overwrite them. However, any previously imported yeast information will be brought up to date.

The Yeast Data will be updated from time to time, check the website for new versions. Simply download and proceed as above to install.